To find out more about our Laser Hair Removal Treatment, contact Northern Virginia Hair Laser Center at:
Phone: (571) 424-7537

Laser Hair Removal in Northern Virginia

Tired of unwanted and ingrown hairs on the face and body? Having to shave an area or use depilatory cream over and over again gets frustrating, and options like plucking, waxing and electrolysis are painful and take forever. Not to mention the cost associated with these methods can add up over your lifetime. Many of these are also short-term solutions. If you're done wasting time and money on these old fashioned ways of removing hair, it's time to try laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is a gentle yet powerful method of removing hair. The FDA approved GentleMax Pro® laser is so effective that it's able to disable hundreds of hair follicles simultaneously. Not only is it more effective than the older methods, its results also last longer.

Many lasers are not considered safe for use on patients with darker skin tones. The GentleMax Pro®, however, is completely safe for these patients. Those with darker skin tones will benefit from the GentleMax Pro's Nd:YAG laser. For those patients with lighter skin tone, the Alexandrite laser is preferred.

In the six weeks leading up to your laser hair removal treatment, do not pluck, wax, or have electrolysis in the area that will be targeted. During the 14 days leading up to the procedure, do not let the target area get exposed to sun or use self-tanner.

Before you get laser hair removal, shave the target area to remove the surface portion of the hair, this allows the lasers energy to target and penetrate the hair follicle, thus causing the follicle to shed. Cleanse the skin to fully take off topical anesthetics, creams, tanning products, and makeup products. To protect the skin from the laser's heating energy and ensure that the client is comfortable, the Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) is used to lower the temperature of the area with cryogen, a freezing chemical substance. This occurs directly before the laser is utilized.

The areas being targeted by the GentleMax Pro® are then treated using laser pulses. These pulses of energy specifically affect the hair follicles, leaving the other cells in the area healthy and safe. The application of laser energy creates a tingling sensation and sometimes a rubber-band-snap feeling. The number of treatments needed will vary depending on the patient's goals, typically anywhere from 6-9 sessions maybe needed for optimal results.

The GentleMax Pro® laser also treats a variety of skin issues and imperfections. Its multi- wavelength energy can heal veins on the face, including rosacea and veins on the legs. It also targets pigmented lesions on the skin. If you're dealing with damaged blood vessels and capillaries, this may be the perfect procedure for you. It can even help stimulate collagen to tighten the face, neck, chest and abdomen.

Pretreatment instructions:

–  No tanning at least 2 weeks prior to the procedure
–  Shaving is allowed in between treatments, but should be stopped 2 days prior
–  No electrolysis at least 4 weeks prior
–  No waxing at least 4 weeks prior
–  No tweezing at least 4 weeks prior
–  No threading at least 4 weeks prior
–  No Accutane use at least 6 months prior

To find out more about our Pigmented Lesions/ Sun Damage Treatments, contact Northern Virginia Hair Laser Center at:
Phone: (571) 424-7537

Pigmented Lesions/ Sun Damage Treatments in Northern Virginia

A pigmented lesion(s) is caused by an abnormal production of melanin which makes it visible on the skins surface.

Age & Sun Spots

Recommended Treatments

Age and Sun spots Laser Treatment These common and unsightly problems can be successfully removed with laser technology. These lasers have been in use since the late 1980's, with great recent advancement, for the treatment of pigmented skin blemishes and birthmarks and use visible light that is selectively absorbed by the pigment within the unwanted blemishes. The laser light is then transferred to heat and the pigmented target is eliminated without harm to the normal surrounding skin. Treatments feel like a rubber band snap and leave a temporary discoloration of the skin that lasts a few days. Treatment may include several sessions ,it can be repeated after 4-6 weeks.

What types of pigmented skin blemishes can be treated with laser?

All types of brown birthmarks, sun freckles, flat moles, Cafe-au-lait marks, medication induced pigmentation, and more GentleMAX Pro's 755 nm wavelength can be used to treat the following benign epidermal pigmented lesions: –  Hyperpigmentation
–  Lentigines
–  Ephelides (freckles)
–  Epidermal melasma
–  CafĂ© au lait

Some factors that could possibly trigger a recurrence of pigmented lesions are:

–  Hormonal imbalance
–  Pregnancy
–  Medications
–  Menopause
–  Sun Exposure

How successful are treatments for age spots and sun freckles?

Laser treatment of these types of skin problems is extremely successful with complete clearing, no scarring, and permanent results.

To find out more about our Skin Tightening Treatments, contact Northern Virginia Hair Laser Center at:
Phone: (571) 424-7537

Laser Skin Tightening in Northern Virginia

Collagen is a key structural protein that is responsible for the skin's strength, durability, and supple, youthful appearance. As collagen levels sink below optimal levels, the skin loses elasticity and begins to sag, which highlights the visibility of unwanted wrinkles and lines, thereby compounding the aging effect.

A number of factors contribute to the depletion of collagen levels in the skin, including:

–  Natural aging process
–  Sun damage
–  Gravity
–  Certain illnesses and medications
–  Genetics

For exceptional results in as few as 3-4 treatments, laser skin tightening delivers! Non-invasive and with literally no downtime, tightening up has never been so easy.

How Does Laser Skin Tightening Work?

Laser skin tightening targets the dermal layer of your skin to trigger a process called collagen remodeling, whereby the heat energy of the laser heats up the collagen proteins to specific temperatures, creating a natural biological reaction causing them to contract and thicken. The result: tighter, smoother, younger-looking skin. Repeated exposure of the area to monthly laser skin tightening treatments over the course of 3 to 6 months produces a cumulative result as the skin's natural response is to heal the wound by creating new collagen. All skin types can be treated. Gradual, yet remarkable improvement in skin texture and elasticity gives you natural-looking results with no down time! The procedure can be performed on the face or any other part of the body such as the arms, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs, where it provides one of the longest-lasting methods of cellulite reduction. The treatments are typically once per month and are typically performed in a series of 4 to 6 treatments. Follow-up treatments are performed anywhere from 12 to 24 months apart, as maintenance or continued improvement.

What can I expect after treatment?

A slight sunburn sensation and redness are the most common symptoms felt and seen immediately after laser skin tightening is performed. Any redness disappears within a couple of hours and the sunburn feeling diminishes entirely within 45 minutes of the treatment end. Some clients may experience delayed swelling in more delicate areas such as around the eyes which usually subsides within 2 to 3 days. The full effects of the Laser Skin Tightening treatment appear gradually. It can take 2 to 6 months for full results, although some clients notice improvement sooner. Recent studies have shown that some thermal collagen modifications have lasted up to several years, depending on the rate of the patient's aging process and precautions taken to avoid accelerated collagen breakdown, such as over-exposure to the sun. Tightening is the best non-invasive treatment for reducing the signs of aging and enhancing a more youthful appearance. YAG laser skin tightening can be used on the face and neck for wrinkle and laxity reduction; on the abdomen to effectively tighten loose skin while minimizing the appearance of stretch marks; and on the thighs and buttocks for long-lasting cellulite reduction and improvement in skin texture.

To find out more about our Rosacea Laser Treatment, contact Northern Virginia Hair Laser Center at:
Phone: (571) 424-7537

Rosacea Laser Treatment in Northern Virginia

Maximized Benefits And Results With Laser Therapy

Redness and flushing, which are probably the most prominent and common features of rosacea, are, in my opinion, best treated with lasers. This technology is also highly effective in treating the red lines (telangietasis) that appear when the tiny blood vessels under the skin become enlarged. In addition, some studies have demonstrated that laser treatments can improve the acne-like pimples associated with rosacea. Various lasers are used to treat rosacea, including the ND:YAG laser, the pulsed-dye laser, and the KTP laser. To help remove rosacea-associated thickening of the skin on the nose and cheeks (rhinophyma), lasers such as the erbium:YAG laser and the CO2 are sometimes used. Although most patients see a significant improvement in their symptoms following one laser session, several sessions are usually needed to complete the treatment. If you then make the effort to avoid rosacea-aggravating sun exposure (by wearing a strong sunscreen daily), visible blood vessels may not return for years.

Does It Hurt?

Laser rosacea treatment is slightly uncomfortable, but not painful. In fact, the discomfort is not even great enough to require that a topical numbing cream be applied to the skin before the procedure begins. Just how uncomfortable you'll feel during your treatment session will depend on your pain threshold. Interestingly, I find that men tend to have lower thresholds for pain than women. Let me emphasize, however, that rarely does anyone complain about pain during a laser treatment.

How Long Is Recovery?

You'll experience no downtime, and can return to your normal activities as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. Expect some redness, which usually lasts for an hour or two after treatment, and some swelling, which typically lasts for two to six hours, but sometimes lingers for up to four days. You may also experience purpura, or bruising; this side effect, when it occurs, may take four to seven days to go away.

To find out more about our Nail Fungus Removal, contact Northern Virginia Hair Laser Center at:
Phone: (571) 424-7537

Nail Fungus Removal in Northern Virginia

What Is Laser Nail Fungus Removal And How Does It Work?

Laser nail fungus removal is an FDA approved procedure that uses an intense, pulsating beam of light (laser) to remove the fungus that grows beneath the nail. During laser nail fungus removal, the laser passes through the nail to where the fungus grows, damages it, and inhibits future fungual growth. Laser has the advantage, in that you do not have to take medications that may have adverse reactions on your liver and other organs. We kindly ask that remove any nail polish, nail art, or anything on your nail prior to your first session. A consultation is necessary to determine if laser nail fungus treatments are right for you. Please contact Northern Virginia Hair Laser Center at or call (571)424-7537

How Many Treatments Will I Need And How Often?

On average, clients need approximately 4-6 treatments. Individual results may vary. For best results, sessions are separated 4-6 weeks apart

Laser Nail Fungus Removal Seems Like A Commitment. Isn't There A Quicker Solution?

When you compare laser nail fungus removal to traditional methods of topical and oral medication that you may have to take for up to six months, there really doesn't seem like much of a disadvantage.

Is Laser Nail Fungus Removal Painful?

There's discomfort associated with each pulse of the laser. Clients have reported feeling heat on the fingers or toes. We thoroughly monitor your response to alleviate any discomfort you may feel. Menstruating women may experience more sensitivity due to hormonal changes.

How Will I Look And Feel After My Treatment?

Your nails may change color slightly, depending on the level of fungus. Nail polish can be applied if desired the day after treatment.